From scratch

Dream coat turned real

Long time no sewing! There is a good reason for that though. I gave up my life in Budapest, resigned from my comfortable Administrator position, waved goodbye (for the 100th time) to my friends and off I came back to London – for good. I brought only my most cherished clothes with me, so my cute Primark winter coat (that was a plan B last year) didn’t make it here.

Since the weather turned chilly over a month ago I started planning THE DREAM coat after I saw this pattern in the September issue of Burda. I was planning on making a coat in a similar fabric that’s in the magazine but in black, but ended up buying this grey wool one, as it looked the best in my price range.TheSecretCostumier - Dream Coat Turned RealThe pattern did not prove to be a tricky one until I got to the neck part, obviously. Unfortunately I did not quite master it as there is still something weird going on there, but I was way too lazy to take everything apart and after working on it over a one month period I decided to just line the coat and use it as it is. I need to make a belt from the remaining fabric or get a similar leather one, as I do not want to put buttons on it as suggested by the pattern.TheSecretCostumier - Dream Coat Turned Real TheSecretCostumier - Dream Coat Turned Real TheSecretCostumier - Dream Coat Turned Real TheSecretCostumier - Dream Coat Turned RealI wanted a coat that looked like a vintage men’s coat and I definitely succeeded with this as the coat is a wee bit big and feels just like I took it from my grandpa’s wardrobe… So here it is, the first coat that I’ve ever made (and the last for at least a year for sure)!

Ready & waiting

Marrakesh by night

Marrakesh by night

From scratch, Ready & waiting

What a bag-blog I found!

When was the last time you stumbled upon a real gem in the blogsphere. Something that made you excited, inspired and left you full of ideas? This is what happened to me today, when I found this little blog called “Bag’n-telle“.

That incredibly chic looking bag is 100% handmade, and you can make one too! The blog has several classic designs with detailed instruction, from advice on the fabric to choose to patterns and design tips.

I have always admired professionals in fashion design or any kind of crafts really, who are confident and generous enough to share their knowledge. I have never had any formal fashion education as I was too old to start trying to get into a fashion school and already had a degree, so sites like this make me feel enabled to gain access to some kind of an education after all. I mean all that pinning is fun, but sometimes its good to have all the background data on hand when you start a project that turns out this perfect.

There is no guarantee I will ever make any of these awesome bags as I know myself, but this might be a good reason to change my £9.00 Primark bag (that I have used for about 2 years now, almost every single day – I’ll post a photo so that you believe how crazy good it is) for something new. You probably guessed that I am not that obsessed with accessories, but I am working on this to change! 😉

Here are a few examples of the bags on the site. Just by picking out the fabric of my choice I could have endless possibilities to make the bag totally mine. Loving it!

Image sources: Bag’n- telle
Ready & waiting

The Pyjama look

I have this weird attraction to wearing fancy nightwear as day wear. In general I am very open to mixing things up the clever common way, like wearing sequined skirts with t-shirts, or boyfriend jeans with sharp jackets or pretty blouses, but my favorite rule breaker must be the silk pyjama thing.

TheSecretCostumier - The Pyjama Look - Dolce and Gabbana

It’s funny because it wouldn’t be my first choice to wear it in bed, but there is something so appealing about the satin, the silk, the piping, and the polka dots, that I feel like it would be rude not to show it off to whoever is lucky enough to see it. 😉

It seems to be coming back again after the S/S 2009  Dolce & Gabbana collection that inspired so many people (from fashion bloggers to editors that is). Since then we have seen many variations from the head to toe look to the one piece of lounge wear at a time approach. Stella McCartney’s S/S 2012  collection is really fresh in many other ways too, but the pyjama prints, silky trousers and oversized jackets are the ones to watch out for.

TheSecretCostumier - The Pyjama Look - Stella McCartney S/S 2012

TheSecretCostumier - The Pyjama Look - Paul Smith A/W 2012

TheSecretCostumier - The Pyjama Look - Elizabeth and James A/W 2012

TheSecretCostumier - The Pyjama Look - Louise Vuitton Resort 2012

While I personally find most of these pyjama shots inspiring, I would not go for the full look as I think the slouchy bottom + slouchy top combo is extremely hard to pull of, even for the skinniest models, especially if the whole thing is satin silk and/or printed. Although Viviana Volpicella…’s pyjama suit is truly flawless (1. photo).

TheSecretCostumier - The Pyjama Look - Street style pyjamas

I just stumbled upon this blouse recently and while it is well out of my price range, it is now definitely on my “Future Projects” list, as it is basically a chiffon shirt with some contrasting piping on the edges. I guess it would make a versatile addition to my wardrobe (especially to the imaginary one).

TheSecretCostumier - The Pyjama Look
